A preview for the week ahead.
I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!
Friday I had to take him to get his blood drawn for his surgery (this upcoming Friday). Boy was he mad at me. After, we had to go to the grocery store. I told him he could scream as loud as he wanted to in the car, to release any anger or pent up frustrations after being poked and two tubes of blood. But once we got out of the car he was not allowed to scream and cry. I told him I would listen to him, help him feel better. Other people didn't need to listen. WOW, did he scream. LOUD. Two screams and he was done, he started to laugh then. Said he felt better even if his arm still hurt. The trip through the store was a good one.
Since lil Dude is to have his tonsils and odeniods out on 1-26, I have a lot of work to do. ( I don't recall having to do all this work for my surgery last year.)
Check List.
1) Blood work~check.
2) Preoperative telephone interview.
3) Call insurance company~check
4) Schedule set at work~check
5) Stop meds before surgery~check
6) Read all information provided~check. But I re-read it often to make sure I am prepared.
7) Have a presurgical tour of hospital.
8) Get popsicles and other after surgery foods.
9) Get any over the counter meds needed.
10) Preregister insurance on-line.
11) Breathe.......
I was nuts enough to get the full scoop on having your tonsils and odeniods removed. Which isn't a bad idea, unless you watch the video. I watch surgeries on TV. I am a CENA. I have had experience in and around hospitals. I know plenty of people who have had this surgery (not me though). BUT watching the video knowing lil Dude has to endure this. It will be harder on me I am sure. I know millions of people have had this surgery, but this is MY BABY!!! This time it is my son. This time I will be in the waiting room WAITING. I am glad it is only a half hour surgery, I am not sure I would be able to last longer then that. I am not even letting myself think of all the whatif's or howabout's.
Breathe ~K Breathe.
OK time to get the week started, I am putting in for a prayer request. I know that will help. If you read this I will ask you to pray for lil dude and I as well. Pray we both get through this surgery unscathed. Thank You.
Smile at a stranger today.
At 5:54 PM,
Call Me Grandma said…
I'll keep him in my prayers.
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