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A Single Female (Taking care of her sons)

I feel blessed being the mother to such wonderful sons. I am trying to be the best person I can be. Doing whats right sometimes isn't always fun, but it feels good.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Last Few Days......

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!

My lil Dude was very brave at the hospital getting his tonsils and adenoids out. My Mom ended up not going so I was all by myself with his Father. (only two at bedside so Mom said it would be best for all if no one else went. Thanks, I It didn't turn out so bad, he tried to keep me calm. Understood that I was having a difficult time and read the paper to me, talked and even asked if I wanted to eat. Not sure what was in him but I did thank him for his efforts.
It has been a few days since lil Dude's surgery, and he is still hurting a bit. They cauterized his throat so it wouldn't bleed. No stitches that way. His throat has white lines and is all raw. Poor lil Dude. I gave him his meds, vicodin for the first few days, he fought me the whole way. Today I tried to just give him Tylenol. He has been awake for 2 hours, I gave him the Tylenol when he first woke. I just had to give him the vicodin, he was crying his throat hurt real bad. Must be it did because the poor thing took that medicine like a champ.
The way he is talking is cute, sounds like a baby again. But I sure can't wait till he is all healed and can yell again. I know I know, I will regret saying that, but I hate seeing him in such a state.
Well I better go, time to be with lil Dude. Thank You for the prayers. All is well just time to heal now. They said it could last two weeks. gggrrrrr.
Have a great day, enjoy your Sunday.
Smile at a stranger today!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A preview for the week ahead.

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!
Friday I had to take him to get his blood drawn for his surgery (this upcoming Friday). Boy was he mad at me. After, we had to go to the grocery store. I told him he could scream as loud as he wanted to in the car, to release any anger or pent up frustrations after being poked and two tubes of blood. But once we got out of the car he was not allowed to scream and cry. I told him I would listen to him, help him feel better. Other people didn't need to listen. WOW, did he scream. LOUD. Two screams and he was done, he started to laugh then. Said he felt better even if his arm still hurt. The trip through the store was a good one.
Since lil Dude is to have his tonsils and odeniods out on 1-26, I have a lot of work to do. ( I don't recall having to do all this work for my surgery last year.)
Check List.
1) Blood work~check.
2) Preoperative telephone interview.
3) Call insurance company~check
4) Schedule set at work~check
5) Stop meds before surgery~check
6) Read all information provided~check. But I re-read it often to make sure I am prepared.
7) Have a presurgical tour of hospital.
8) Get popsicles and other after surgery foods.
9) Get any over the counter meds needed.
10) Preregister insurance on-line.
11) Breathe.......
I was nuts enough to get the full scoop on having your tonsils and odeniods removed. Which isn't a bad idea, unless you watch the video. I watch surgeries on TV. I am a CENA. I have had experience in and around hospitals. I know plenty of people who have had this surgery (not me though). BUT watching the video knowing lil Dude has to endure this. It will be harder on me I am sure. I know millions of people have had this surgery, but this is MY BABY!!! This time it is my son. This time I will be in the waiting room WAITING. I am glad it is only a half hour surgery, I am not sure I would be able to last longer then that. I am not even letting myself think of all the whatif's or howabout's.
Breathe ~K Breathe.
OK time to get the week started, I am putting in for a prayer request. I know that will help. If you read this I will ask you to pray for lil dude and I as well. Pray we both get through this surgery unscathed. Thank You.
Smile at a stranger today.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

AUGH....bbbrrrrr....and back to work.

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!
I am on my way back to work. SIGH. I have to readjust my thinking to work mode. I hate leaving lil Dude. He has been so fun. I have enjoyed my layoff with him. I will miss him all day. I bet he wont miss me as
It is cold here. Schools are closed, I am sure with the mild winter we have had, they have snow days to burn. But why waist them? The kids could get out a few days earlier, I am sure they would enjoy that.
Hope you all have a good day, I have to go scrape my car.....AUGH!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Flags to flown at half-staff for service members.

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!

Saturday, January 6, 2007, to honor Army Private First Class Andrew H. Nelson of Saint Johns. Private Nelson, 19, died December 25 of injuries suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle during combat operations in Baghdad, Iraq. He was assigned to the 9th Engineer Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Schweinfurt, Germany.

Sunday, January 7, 2007, to honor Army Sergeant Curtis L. Norris of Dansville. Sergeant Norris, 28, died December 23 of injuries suffered when an improvised explosive devise detonated near his vehicle in Baghdad, Iraq. He was assigned to the 210th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), Fort Drum, New York.

Monday, January 8, 2007, to honor Marine Lance Corporal Ryan J. Burgess of Sanford. Lance Corporal Burgess, 21, died on December 21 while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province, Iraq. He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Twentynine Palms, California.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007, to honor Army National Guard Specialist Wilson A. Algrim of Howell. Specialist Algrim, 21, died December 23 from injuries suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle during combat operations in Salman Pak, Iraq. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 125th Infantry, Big Rapids, Michigan.

Thanks you Soldiers. Time To Rest Now. May The Good Lord Protect You, as you have America.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A New Year

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!
It is a New Year and I am getting a good dose of enjoying every day. Having these last few weeks off and looking at another sure has been nice. lil Dude is loving me being home too. I wonder how he will react to going back to daycare. He is a good boy.
So in spirit of the new year, I am making my resolution known:
My Resolution is.....
To stop showing lil dude's father my anger.
I get so mad at him and have always shown him how selfish I believe him to be. I wont do that any more. I wont show him emotions at all. I am going to just be civil and deal with him as little as I have to. I will no longer let him see how lousy of a father I believe him to be. I will let him spend as little time with lil Dude as he wants. Selfishly for me, maybe he will just drop out of my sons life and I wont have to worry about it. I wont tell him it has been 4 weeks since he last seen his son ever again. It will be better for my son as well as myself if I don't expect him to be a good dad.
I want to hear of your resolutions. Leave a message or send an e-mail. If you want me to post it let me know. I can. If not ask me not to and I wont. Resolutions are good in a way of having something to work towards. But you have to make it realistic or you set yourself up for failure. So be careful what your resolutions are. OK enough of Mommy time.