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A Single Female (Taking care of her sons)

I feel blessed being the mother to such wonderful sons. I am trying to be the best person I can be. Doing whats right sometimes isn't always fun, but it feels good.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed, THANK YOU!!!

Some Quotes I found............
If Evolution really works, how come Mother's only have two hands?
~Ed Dussault
A Mother's Love for her child is like nothing else in the world. it knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in it's path.
~Agatha Christie
Mother's all want their sons to grow up to be President, but they don't want them to become politicians in the process
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
To have courage for whatever comes in life- everything lies in that.
~Mother Teresa
All great changes are irk-some to the human mind, expecially those which are attended with great dangers and uncertain effects.
~John Adams
Don't accept rides from strange men, and remember all men are strange.
~Robin Morgan
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa
You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough.
~Frank Crane

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A Favor.......

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!

A favor to ask
It only takes a minute....
Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle).This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.
Again, please tell 10 friends to tell 10 friends today

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My thoughts on the Sept 11th tribute.

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. Thank-You!

I want to get this in before I forget the emotions.

As I sat and watched the September 11th Tribute shows, I had tears in my eyes several times. I was so upset over the loss of lives. The families torn apart. Knowing what my own family means to me, I don't want to live what them children will live for the rest of their lives. My heart goes out to them. I wept.

I also remember the feelings I had on September 11, 2001. I was in such shock that my country was hit. I couldn't believe it actually happened to America. I always felt safe. I never imagined America would be so vunlerable. I was mad at the Government who I felt would protect me from harm in that manner. I was scared and wondering what's next. I didn't think it would happen HERE, in America.
The unity that resulted from September 11th was amazing to me. I felt a part of a bigger plan. I enjoyed the way America seemed to care about ALL American's. I appreciated the show of support with the flags on almost every house. It was beautiful to me. I want my sons to love America as I do. The Land that can take a pounding and grow stronger from it. I can say I have done a lot of growing as an American since that day. I have done some growing as a Parent and as a Daughter. I also will say I have removed a few of the blinders as well. I watch, I listen and I learn.
I am now saddened by the total lack of respect America seems to have fallen back into. At my work they didn't have a moment of silence (as we had since that day), not until 12:30pm. I was mad. I brought it up to several Management people. None seemed disturbed by this. I get mad when they don't lower the flag when asked to in response to the Governor of my home state. This is requested to honor a fallen Soldier.

There was a guy at work who actually said, "That happened so long ago."
I in response said to him, "With attitudes like that it will happen again."
I can't believe American's have forgotten the feelings we experienced on September 11, 2001.
I was appalled to think it don't matter to some people anymore. I can't believe some people have pushed it aside, not to think of it again. We were attacked, and I for one will never forget. I want to win this War on Terror. I want BinLadden caught, dead or alive. I want to live in a safe America. So please Mr. President I am asking you to take care of me. I am asking you to do what I can't do for myself.
Our Military is the best. I thank them for all the efforts the put into protecting me and my sons. I don't think of them as faceless beings who are doing their jobs. I think of them as Hero's who offer to take care of me and my sons, they protect us from the bad. They go out and see the things I don't want to see. They take care of the things that would scare the crap out of me if I knew about them. I owe them more then a thank you.
We as American's need to Support Our Hero's who fight the fight we haven't ourselves offered to fight.

THANK YOU SOLDIERS. I owe you my life as you put yours on the line so I can be the Mom I need to be.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Jaime Concepcion

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK-YOU!

Jaime Concepcion, 46,
of New York, NY,
with Windows on the World,
died Sept. 11, 2001,
a victim of the coordinated terrorist attacks against the United States in New York, Washington DC, and elsewhere.

Jaime Concepcion left Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic's capital, for New York in 1981.

He wanted a better paying job, a better life. He apparently found what he was looking for.

Soon after arriving here, he married Juana Colon, also a Dominican Republic native. The couple had five children, two boys and three girls between the ages of 19 and 10. They lived in Manhattan.

Concepcion, 46, did a little bit of everything for the Windows on the World restaurant atop the World Trade Center.

He cooked. Washed dishes. Trained new employees. He had worked there for about four years.

During his free time, Concepcion liked to exercise and watch major-league baseball on television.
"He was a good man," Juana said. "He liked to laugh."--Fred Carroll (Daily Press)

Leave your memorial thoughts for Jaime Concepcion

A complete list of the people who perished that day

Please take a moment to remember Jaime and his family.

Thank you!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Jaime Concepcion

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children.It don't go unnoticed. THANK-YOU!

Jaime Concepcion, age 46.

Place killed: World Trade Center. Resident of New

York, N.Y. (USA).

Jaime Concepcion, worked in the delivery and

receiving department of the Windows On The World

Restaurant on the 107th Floor of the WTC.

Please that a moment to honor Jaime, Thank You.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

My update on life.

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK~YOU!!

Whew, it has been a busy last few days. I stayed out to my Mom's as she is out of town. I had to dog sit, house sit and clean. Well I didn't have to clean I just did. I was bored I guess. I mopped vacuumed and dusted for 3 days. She has lots of wood work. Hard wood floors too.
I tried to get on her computer but it is so slow. I only checked my e-mail and that was hard enough. I played sudoku. That's fun. Lil Dude had fun. He played with all his toys and didn't have to He has to share when others are around and no one was there. It felt like a mini vacation for us. It is close to town but it is set off the road far enough it feels like your upnorth. It is quiet and dark too. Very nice.
I have downloaded a different chat service called Pal Talk. It is fun and I have met several Soldiers on there. They appreciate being supported. I feel humbled and blessed to thank them in real time rather then snail mail. Though I still do that. Pal Talk is a great service to laugh and meet people from around the world. Yes as with everything there are draw backs and you can meet some real jerks too. I haven't yet, but I don't go on all that often.
Well At Church today we learned of Lust. The nature of lust and why it destroys. I will have to read up on it more as we only touched on it this week. But some stuff that was brought to my attention sure open my eyes. I can say I don't "Lust" often though. Whew. I will work on what I do lust over.

Enjoy your day and smile at a stranger.