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A Single Female (Taking care of her sons)

I feel blessed being the mother to such wonderful sons. I am trying to be the best person I can be. Doing whats right sometimes isn't always fun, but it feels good.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This is

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!

I recieved this in e-mail and just had to share...........

Dear Ma and Pa,
I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled. I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m. but I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothing. Men got to shave but it is not so bad, there's warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food plus yours holds you til noon when you get fed again. It's no wonder these city boys can't walk much. We go on "route marches," which the platoon Sergeant says are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it's not my place to tell him different. A "route march" is about as far as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks. The country is nice but awful flat. The Sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain is like the school board. Majors and Colonels just ride around and frown. They don't bother you none. This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting medals for shooting, I don't know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a chipmunk head and don't move, and it ain't shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don't even load your own cartridges. They come in boxes. Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful though, they break real easy. It ain't like fighting with that ole bull at home. I'm about the best they got in this place except for that Tug Jordan from over in Silver Lake. I only beat him once. He joined up the same time as me, but I'm only 5'6" and 130 pounds and he's 6'8" and near 300 pounds dry. Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding in.
Your loving daughter,

Thursday, November 23, 2006

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country.

I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed.



I thought I would take the time to reflect on a few things I am thankful for.
I am Thankful for.......
The Lord.~He is the reason I have so much in my life.
My three wonderful sons.~they are my life
My Mom.~She is the best mom ever.
My family.~They drive me nuts at times, but I know they would have my back.
Our Troops.~I know they also have my back, Thanks.
I have a job.~I don't like going in everyday, but they need me and I need the money. It will be there Monday when I get back.
I have all I need.~We may not have all we want, but our needs are met.
The morning's beauty.~I enjoy mornings. Watching the field out behind my house, simply awesome.
My Love of life.~I enjoy life and each day I get to live it.

Things get tough sometimes, but I always have my family. I am never alone with them around. I am blessed in so many ways. These blessings are never forgotten.

Enjoy your Holiday. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your life.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where is my Calgon?

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!

I am emotionally drained lately. Anyone want to adopt me and lil dude? Want to help us leave this place of constant sorrow? LOL
Well if I could find a job about an hour from this place, I would. Even 2-3 or 4 I would do that also. A job comparable to what I have now, with benefits and all. Good luck you say? Yes I know. I have been looking.

I have looked high and low from where I am right now. In this state, it is difficult. We are loosing jobs faster then we get them right now. Hopefully that will change. Maybe some GREAT company will see we want to work and make a paycheck and move their business here as well. Anyone?

I woke up last night thinking of all the CRAP in my life. I guess I should say it was 2:11 am. AUGH. I couldn't get back to sleep either. I thought and thought then willed myself to sleep. No suck luck. I couldn't. So here it is 6:00 pm and I want to go to bed. Can't do that with a 4 yr old and dishes to do.

Where is my Calgon? When is he she or it going to take me away???

Smile at a stranger today.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Marine Lance Cpl. Troy Nealey

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!

Saturday, Veterans Day. How fitting of a day could it be to lay a young Soldier to rest. There were hundreds of people gathered to say goodbye to this brave Soldier. Tears flowed and hearts ached. I have provided a link to the local papers coverage of this Soldier's Funeral. More then half way down this page is a link to the photo gallery. I enocurage you to take the time to look and pay respects to Lance Cpl. Troy Nealey. Read the captions and carry a tissue.
May The Good Lord Take You In And Bless Your Soul Lance Cpl. Troy Nealey! Thank You for your service to America. Honor and Respect shall always be yours.
Smile at a stranger today.
click the title to go to the link.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Happy Veterans Day.

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!
I seen Bush and his speech today. I was actually moved when he said
"Through their sacrifice, they're making this nation safer and
more secure, and they are earning the proud title of veteran."
Great job Commander in Chief.
I heard this this morning.
"We will not rest from our Jihad (holy war) until we are under the olive trees
of Rumieh and we have blown up the filthiest house ~ which is called the White House."
There is more to the story. I provided a link, just click the title. I am not feeling comfortable with this. It is scary and disturbing. I believe we need to "STAY THE COURSE". I don't think this is an idle threat. I think it is exactly what is being planned.


I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!

If you know me at all you know I am a Gordon fan. With two races left of the season I can't wait for next year to start. I wish Jeff all the best in his new marriage, but he should have met me first..sheesh!! No honestly, I am a huge fan and wish him and Ingrid all the best. She is a beautiful lady. I bet it is a bit nuts with both of their schedules. He works so much, we all know she does too.

Jeff has the pole for Sunday's race. WOO HOO!! I am sad Jeff's chance at a Nextel Cup win is not there but he can still win the race Sunday. Let's get a win.

I am still a fan, looking forward to next season!!
Let's Go Jeff!!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Memories and thoughts........

I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!!

I was over at Grandma's blog and her post made me remember a few things growing up. I am one of 6 children. I am number 4. We had a nice life as a child. Wasn't spectacular but we had what we needed. Dad when he worked worked midnights. ( He hurt his back at work and was in the hospital often.) Mom waited tables. We sure enjoyed life. We would use our imagination and play outside all day. I recall family issues and such, but kids never were involved in adult things back then. We didn't know the extent of it all. Now looking back, with 6 kids who were within 9 yrs of each other how can you not?
Oh anyways, the reason for the post.....
My oldest brother passed away as a young adult. A car wreck, at the age of 23. He still lived with Mom and Dad. So did my younger sister "~L", baby brother "-P" and my older brother"-C". My older sister "~K" and I were married with kids by then. I remember the knock on my door as if it was yesterday, and it was 20 yrs ago. My Aunt then my Mom along with their Cousin were standing there My Dad was walking up the steps. It was 2am on a Saturday. All I asked was "Who is it and are they OK?". My Mom then opened the screen door and said, "it was "-G" and no hun he isn't ok". She held me then. (Oh let me rewind a bit here, as I heard the knock on my door, I told my ex-husband that someone was at the door. I said are you going to answer it. He said No. So I had to. Now why am I surprised I am divorced? At 2 am, I want a husband who feels protective and wants to answer the door. to continue......) I remember sitting on the floor by the front door and thinking I needed to be held by my husband. I walked into my bedroom. (cuse he still didn't come out.) I sat there telling him what happened. I heard my family saying, "I wonder if she is ok. Maybe we should check." I then walked out to them and said we will get dressed and get our son to my in-laws. We went to my parents house.
I recall seeing the scanner, see my Dad used to be a firefighter before he hurt his back and there was a scanner in our house as long as I remember. Well till this day. Mom heard the call over the scanner, you know names are never put over the radio, we know why. She had asked my Dad if my older brothers were home, as they both lived at home. My Dad said he heard them go upstairs. But he didn't hear both of them. He heard "-C" go upstairs, then "-C" went back down the stairs and my Dad didn't hear him till he went back up. So he thought he heard both of them. Then....the knock came. We are from a small town. So small our firefighters are our neighbors and friends. They all knew my Mom growing up and they knew this was her son and his friend. My Brothers BEST Friend was on the fire department. Now that was sad. Mom when told the news, she walked right in and beat that scanner. She threw it and stomped on it. Funny it worked after. But not at my parents house.
To make this long story (kinda) short. Mom took all the pictures of my brother down. It was a difficult time I know, but she still don't have but one picture up. We don't talk about my brother. It is a taboo. Me being out of the house when it happened, I was able to adjust better. The siblings living in the house at the time still have a hard time saying his name. Mom acts as if he is a memory she rather forget. I know it would be hard. It would be difficult. I would have pictures all over though. I would be afraid to take them down. Afraid I would forget the face I put so much love into. I as a Mom now, I can't know what I would do actually. But I just can't imagine not talking about my sons. I can't imagine not seeing the pictures I have. I do try to understand and let her do it her way. I allow her to deal with it the way she can.
I am blessed to be the mother to these 3 wonderful boys. The Lord is Good.
My point is.....It is amazing how people react to situations so differently.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!

I want you to follow this link, please. Study indicates brain stem defects cause SIDS . This is something I have always been passionate about. I have cried when friends have lost their child, their future, their hope. I knew there was a reason behind all these deaths. I hope they prove this to all and that SIDS is a real syndrome, that it isn't the parents who have harmed their child. Finally an answer?? Now for a cure.

Lil Dude is sick, (sigh) He has had that typical child nose going on for a bit now. I just plug in the vaporizer at night, get him all better just to send him back to daycare and let it start all over again. But now, yesterday yes on Halloween, he was running a temp. 102.3 under the arm. So that means to add a degree right? So it hit 103.3...yikes. He couldn't keep anything down. Not even water. His belly hurt and his head hurt. Figuring he has the flu. I nursed him all night, getting him able to keep a bit down. (I tell you a 4 yr old sure gets upset when Mom says you can't have milk when your sick.) He has kept everything down so far today. We are trying his precious milk right now. Remember them small A&W glasses, the real small ones? I have 2 of them and that's what I am putting his beverages in right now, so he takes in small amounts. He wanted a bigger cup for milk, can't do that. I relented on the milk, feeling sad for him. But I can't let him have a lot. So that's what has been going on with lil Dude. Poor Child didn't get to wear his SPD Power Ranger costume last night. He was so sick he didn't even care. I told him I would get him some candy when he is feeling better.

As for me, a local radio station is putting on a Sweaters for Veterans outing. I have been telling everyone. It will go from Nov 1-10. They have various drop off sights. They will be accepting gently used and new sweaters. Along with new underwear (still in the bag). I am so proud of this radio station. WITL 100.7 in Lansing Michigan. They have obviously made a commitment to Veterans. WOO HOO!!! They haven't played a "Chicks" song since their fatal error many months ago. I know they are a part of the Citadel Broadcasting Corp. So if you have one of their stations in your area, I urge you to listen and know they care about Our troops.
I am staying home being a Mom today. Taking care of lil Dude. Getting the kitties under control and baking. Hope you all have a great day, enjoy the weather and know God Loves You, and so do I.
Smile at a stranger today.