I want to thank Our Military for their service to Our Country. I appreciate you protecting me and my children. It don't go unnoticed. Thank-You!I want to get this in before I forget the emotions.
As I sat and watched the September 11th Tribute shows, I had tears in my eyes several times. I was so upset over the loss of lives. The families torn apart. Knowing what my own family means to me, I don't want to live what them children will live for the rest of their lives. My heart goes out to them. I wept.
I also remember the feelings I had on September 11, 2001. I was in such shock that my country was hit. I couldn't believe it actually happened to
America. I always felt safe. I never imagined America would be so vunlerable. I was mad at the Government who I felt would protect me from harm in that manner. I was scared and wondering what's next. I didn't think it would happen HERE, in America.
The unity that resulted from September 11th was amazing to me. I felt a part of a bigger plan. I enjoyed the way America seemed to care about ALL American's. I appreciated the show of support with the flags on almost every house. It was beautiful to me. I want my sons to love America as I do. The Land that can take a pounding and grow stronger from it. I can say I have done a lot of growing as an American since that day. I have done some growing as a Parent and as a Daughter. I also will say I have removed a few of the blinders as well. I watch, I listen and I learn.
I am now saddened by the total lack of respect America seems to have fallen back into. At my work they didn't have a moment of silence (as we had since that day), not until 12:30pm. I was mad. I brought it up to several Management people. None seemed disturbed by this. I get mad when they don't lower the flag when asked to in response to the Governor of my home state. This is requested to honor a fallen Soldier.
There was a guy at work who actually said, "That happened so long ago."
I in response said to him, "With attitudes like that it will happen again."
I can't believe American's have forgotten the feelings we experienced on September 11, 2001.
I was appalled to think it don't matter to some people anymore. I can't believe some people have pushed it aside, not to think of it again. We were attacked, and I for one will never forget. I want to win this War on Terror. I want BinLadden caught, dead or alive. I want to live in a safe America. So please Mr. President I am asking you to take care of me. I am asking you to do what I can't do for myself.
Our Military is the best. I thank them for all the efforts the put into protecting me and my sons. I don't think of them as faceless beings who are doing their jobs. I think of them as Hero's who offer to take care of me and my sons, they protect us from the bad. They go out and see the things I don't want to see. They take care of the things that would scare the crap out of me if I knew about them. I owe them more then a thank you.
We as American's need to Support Our Hero's who fight the fight we haven't ourselves offered to fight.
THANK YOU SOLDIERS. I owe you my life as you put yours on the line so I can be the Mom I need to be.